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2018..Our Boys Future Welfare Secured Again Having Been Let Down Badly By A Charity That Cost Us £20

As many of my closest friends will know, I had some Health Issues which were diagnosed in October 2017 and as a result, was struggling with the workload that surrounded my pony boys. (Health Issues still ongoing).

Being the devoted animal lover and owner that I am, measures were taken to safeguard their well-being which had been discussed for months, with letters on file, and at the time, agreed by the concerned parties. (A Registered Animal Charity) and myself, being the owner of the ponies.

For reasons which were overlooked by the charity DESPITE continued discussions and approval request from myself, and having paid £200 for this security via an informal letter from my solicitor, it backfired on me.

(Shame I hadn't been informed at the time of discussions from the said animal charity and BEFORE my letter went out. 200 pounds that I could ill afford down the pan for nothing! followed by a text sent to me in error which didn't make good reading for me! and left me somewhat disappointed at the context of it all. Matters that were "sensitive" to my wishes at the time and expressed in this letter, had been discussed by a couple of trustees, not at a trustees meeting, but via pm on facebook messenger and sent to me in error.

NOT What I expected from an organisation that is meant to be running a professional charity! NOT what I expected from individulas that I had created bonds with and termed so friends, and certainly NOT what I expected having helped them with their website free of charge for 4 years!.

Moving on.......lessons mention of a "can we re-imburse you" for misleading you.........

We (myself and my husband) are happy to say, that this wake up call has made us realise that their future well-being and safety is absolutely paramount, and for that reason,they will remain at our "little bit of Heaven" where they have done so for the past 8 years.

Regards my health, its currently treatable, but not cureable. I have good days and bad days, but have also realised that life is too short, so I will endeavour to FORCE myself to carry on with the help of my medication and inner strength and the good hand of my husband John

This 2018 BLOG is also a means of Thanks to my Husband whom, on days when I was unable due to ACUTE symptom flare ups, at times unable to walk and on sticks tended to Leo and Hudson for me and continues to help me daily.

Thanks also goes to my dear friends and Neighbours Mike and Sheena Tasker, and John Jaqen and Tobie Hallet for walking our dog Keeta and handing in soup etc when I attended hospital appointments both at home and further afield.

To Edi and Rick in Florida, Yvonne (Montrose) and my Peanuts 2 Phoenix family for your words of support and encouragement - thank you and to our son Chris and his partner Carly for clocking in regularly from their home in New Zealand and to my BDMLR facebook buddy Karen (Magic o Dolphins) for messaging in to see how I was.

More paperwork done due to mild flooding at the stable, not costing us a penny in solicitors fees for "guaranteed" Life care (should it be required in the future) and we are back on track and our pony boys have the security needed should ill health get the better of me and my capabilities to carry out the workload that keeps our pony boys in an Environment suited to their specific needs declines..

I Thank You all, John Thanks You...

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY...LEO & HUDSON Thank You and say.....keep enjoying our stories and photos and for those "following" us please keep doing so


Our blog is being shared as a SHOUT OUT - more to inform our friends who thought the boys were going, that they are here to stay !!

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